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The Employee Caregiving Crisis

Reduce burnout from care-related stress with targeted business solutions.

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How does caregiving impact jobs, income, and businesses?
Caregivers are torn between career responsibilities and caring for aging family members.
73 %

Of caregivers have paid jobs

52 %

Of employers are unaware of employee caregiving status

38 %

Of employees hide their caregiving status from others at work


Harvard Business School Professor Joseph Fuller's research finds company leaders drastically underestimate both the number of caregivers in their workforce, and the impact they have on the company's bottom line.

April 15, 2022
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Employees can’t solve caregiving issues alone
They need support to reduce the impact of caregiving on their career and the organization.
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stress Stress and Burnout
Caregivers’ physical and mental health worsens over an average of 5 ½ years of caring for a loved one. Being on-call all the time for those with chronic conditions causes the most emotional stress. Family disputes are exhausting.
stress Reduced Productivity
Something has to give when you feel torn between your job and providing the best care. Most employees struggle to give their best to both. Stress over what’s happening at home can make you sick, too.
stress Absenteeism
Unplanned absences or leaving mid-day to manage caregiving emergencies make employees appear unreliable or distracted. As a family caregiver, some time off is inevitable, but you need to minimize your time away.
stress Team Spillover
About half of the team has caregiving responsibilities, although mostly hidden. With half the team coping with these dual roles, the effects spill over onto the entire team. Resentment builds as the rest pick up the slack.
stress Time Management
Caregivers have less time for their career, themselves, and other family members. They end up sacrificing things they enjoy, like hobbies and vacations. Trouble balancing work with care responsibilities may mean they miss opportunities that could grow the business.
stress Career Identity
You have built a reputation. You have invested in your career growth and in the business. Suddenly, caregiving changes your ability to live up to the expectations you have of yourself and that others have of you.
How much can an employer save if they reduce care-related personal and business waste?
Businesses need to recoup their losses from hidden care-related wastes. Discover hidden care-related losses using this cost calculator.

How many Employees work in your company?

  • Small (up to 100)
  • medium (up to 5000)
  • large (up to 30000)
1 20 40 60 80 100
Care-Related Costs for your company - $ 109000
Potential Return for your company + $ 104010

How many Employees work in your company?

  • Small (up to 100)
  • medium (up to 5000)
  • large (up to 30000)
1 20 40 60 80 100
Care-Related Costs for your company - $ 109000
Potential Return for your company + $ 104010
You can make a difference for yourself and the other caregivers in your organization
CareWise Solutions support organizational objectives to recoup care-related wastes by supporting employee caregivers.

Don’t sacrifice the workforce, employee well-being, and contributions to the organization. Every family deserves the peace of mind that comes with good care, income continuity, and career outcomes.

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    L Parker
    L Parker

    Before my dad passed, I took a 12 week leave to help the family. Now that my mom is sick, I wish I had the flexibility to do that again. My kids and I need the money from my job so there is no way I can go for 3 months without pay. I’ve read the blogs about remembering to take care of yourself and all that crap. True enough, sure, but what I needed to know was how to keep working and not lose it. Many thanks to my company for putting on the CareWise series of seminars. My mom and kids thank you, too.

    C Turner
    C Turner

    I manage a jewelry store with long hours and my husband has a job that requires him to travel. His mother is right at that point between being able to care for herself and needing to go into an assisted living situation. Talk about stress! The CareWise Solutions package helped us all 3 work together, with our employers, to create reasonable boundaries and not get caught up making emotional decisions at this difficult time.

    L Patel
    L Patel

    We’re a family owned business. The Family Council told the board we must do something to properly support the caregivers we have on staff. In searching for alternative benefits, I came across CareWise on LinkedIn. I like that their focus is the business being profitable, and not telling people to mediate and take a bubble bath! We have implemented some new strategies that support our staff, and are first on the list for the new app.

    R Goldman
    R Goldman

    As a manager, I recently realized some of the people I work with are caregivers, too. Some struggle more than others, so when our HR department set up the CareWise employee survey and workshops we were interested to see what difference it could make. I’m pleased to say that we have implemented some of the CareWise Solutions and have a plan in place. Well worth the time.

    Donations are appreciated. CareWiseSolutions-org is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization. Your tax-deductible donations support continued research, education and communications efforts.

    Welcome to the CareWise Solutions Community. You will receive regular updates on our workforce and career transition efforts.


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